Students Film Festival in XJTLU

Sponsor team: MOVIE@XJTLU

The first holding time: May, 2008

Introduction: The activity is a platform to show the society the ideas of contemporary college students and their understanding toward livelihood and life. It is not only a proof, but also one of the best exercise and sublimation. During work creation, we know more about ourselves as well as life. This is the best proof that college students' hobbies are developed to be an outstanding platform for communication and showing. There are scripting and shooting of club’s DV members in the early stage of activities, editing and promoting in the middle stage, post-screening and awards show in last stage. Being the largest annual activity of the community, the event gets enough attention from not only the XJTLU, but also local universities in Suzhou which features active participation and fantastic works. Students’ distinctive works in all previous activities promotes the film culture, making the film not only a simple entertainment, but also a cultural transmission, a kind of self -analysis, and an emotional or rational interpretation.