Student Enterprise Development Association (SEDA), Student Admissions and Career Development Office as its guidance department, is an organization to support students to innovate start up business, and to provide platforms for every student who have dreams of innovation and entrepreneurship to participate in the society and challenge themselves. SEDA holds business workshops and roadshows on business startup on a regular basis, building a bridge of communication for every young entrepreneur and people interested in starting a business. There are four parts of SEDA.  ·       Liaison and Planning DepartmentMain functions: Draft schemes and lead the process of activities.Raise funds and communicate with external relations.  ·       Entrepreneurship Service DivisionMain functions: Manage Sunken Plaza. Promote communication between the Student entrepreneurial teams and association. Offer service to student entrepreneurial teams.  ·       Publicity and Operation DepartmentMain functions:Manage online platforms and put forward Wechat push relating to business startups termly. Publicize our association and entrepreneurial activities in both online and offline ways. Design propagandas.  ·       Administration and Management Department Main functions: Collect information. Distribute the work when preparing for activities.Take charge of evaluation and assessment of personnel performance in association. ·     Image and Public Relations Department Main functions : to coordinate the arrival of shops in the sunken plaza; to organise and arrange for staff to sit on shifts, check water and electricity meters; and to be responsible for all day-to-day operations relating to the sunken plaza. 

Founded in2015-03-04
FounderJunjie Yu
Council DirectorLingen Han
Club Constitution & Bylaws
Management Team
AY 2024~2025 AY 2023~2024 AY 2022~2023 AY 2021~2022 More…
Latest Events

Enterprise operation sand table simulation competition

2024-05-09 17:40:00.0 - 2024-05-09 21:00:00.0 FB

A sandplay game, let you fully experience the operation of a company, the game fully simulate the daily operation of the company, a variety of business means can be freely used

SEDA General meeting

2024-04-09 18:00:00.0 - 2024-04-09 20:00:00.0 BS

This general meeting is the first meeting after the change of the SEDA's management. New management will introduce themselves to all the new and old members.

SEDA general election

2024-03-11 16:00:00.0 - 2024-03-11 18:00:00.0 BS / FB

The current management term of the Student Entrepreneur Development Association is coming to an end, and a new management will be elected to all members of the association.

cherry blossom season

2021-04-06 12:00:00.0 - 2021-04-06 18:00:00.0 西浦亭

一. 活动主题SEDA学生企业家协会樱花季主题活动二.  活动目的:随风落下,挥洒一地,校园遍地都是樱花的花瓣,为领略校园花开烂漫,为分享你我的故事,SEDA学生企业家协会特举办樱花季活动,三.活动背景: 1.基本情况简介:通过压花制作,樱花寄语,书签领取等活动,留住春色,分享故事。2.环境特征分析:  综合考虑社会及校园环境的内外优势等因素,考虑到目前正处于樱花花开,万物复苏的迎春之季,特举行樱花季活动。3.社会影响:满足西浦师生的赏花热情,活跃校园气氛,促进社会人际交流。四.参加对象:SEDA全体,西浦师生五.活动时间:4.6--     六.活动流程:(前期工作,活动举办,后期活动总结)项目任务时间DDL负责人备注前期准备前期宣传推文制作3.2618:00吴越、冯钰超1. 主要公布招募信息2. 不设转发抽奖3. 注意发表前的核对工作SA邮件制作3.279:00朱若楠推文发表4.622:00吴越、冯钰超通知SEDA成员分别转发推文SA邮件发表4.622:00朱若楠中期准备 中期宣传推文制作3.2822:00吴越、冯钰超1. 推广宣传樱花2. 可在推文中运用卡通形象以其第一人称口吻进行宣传3. 宣传精美周边和美食,偶遇爱情等元素SA邮件制作4.122:00朱若楠推文发表4.122:00吴越、冯钰超SA邮件发表4.122:00朱若楠SEDA场地布置4.69:00张若贤搬桌子、桌布等注意整个场地布置的简约青春活动期间入场4.612:00张若贤1、进入需佩戴口罩2、使用免洗洗手液进行消毒3、向参与者发送伴手礼,数量有限,先到先得场控4.6张若贤朱若楠1. 应提前撰写排班表 抽奖环节转发集赞4.618:00~21:00朱若楠1.每满9赞可获得樱花卡片,每满24赞即可获得樱花书签 后期总结全员反馈活动开展情况,为下次活动开展提供更好的反思和经验七. 应急预案八. 1.参与人数过少SEDA部员进入摊位活跃气氛派遣部员吸引招揽路过同学,可以使用易拉宝等道具。2.疫情原因影响正常活动做好人流管控,准备消毒酒精和口罩,部员全程佩戴口罩活动无法进行顺延时间,及时发表公告通知取消活动,待疫情情况明朗再做进一步安排。3.天气状态差提前查看天气预报并做好预防措施,如有降雨等天气情况发生,则适当准备雨具。4.参与人数过多临时增大摊位间距,避免拥挤,派遣场控人员引流疏散拥堵群众。保证留出足够的空地供行走和维持现场活动。5.电力故障开场测试电力供应状况及电路安全。6.天气问题导致花期缩短因3.29-4.2有降雨可能,若3.28日前校方无回复则先收集掉落樱花预先制作少量书签备用。八.活动预算类别单价数量总价规格塑封机 ¥80 2  ¥160 塑封膜 ¥85 ¥40贴画 ¥10 10 ¥100 卡片 ¥30 10  ¥300  400张总计¥600

2020 Bazaar of Prom

2020-11-25 16:00:00.0 - 2020-11-27 23:00:00.0 Xiachen Square

The main purpose of SEDA is to assist the Employment Office to manage the business status of the group creation of the Sunken Plaza. The core goal of this event is also the same, to attract traffic by holding events, increase the willingness to create a group business, and promote the atmosphere of the business park. 2. The XJTLU Entrepreneurship Competition in 2020 has just ended. Although the award-winning entrepreneurial groups have already settled in the XJTLU, they have not had the opportunity to show to all students in XJTLU. In addition to promoting the business atmosphere of the XJTLU, this event also provides this channel Let each founding group have the opportunity to sell themselves, let XJTLU students know them, let XJTLU students realize the possibility of undergraduate entrepreneurship and strengthen their future entrepreneurial willingness, continue to promote XJTLU students’ entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and implement XJTLU’s commitment to university students Support and encouragement of entrepreneurship. 3. In addition to the 25 founding groups in the park, we also provide additional booths for students from XJTLU to apply to sell their own products and experience the feeling of being a one-day store manager or a one-day entrepreneur (actually three days) This will also increase the different campus experience and life experience of XJTLU students, and accumulate a better reputation for XJTLU itself. If the school can arrange relevant personnel to produce relevant reports, it will have a good effect on XJTLU’s enrollment in 2021.4. The 26th is Thanksgiving, and the noise-making market can also carry out related promotions through Thanksgiving.5. In addition to the market, there are also performances, games, lottery and other links in the event, which provide multiple elements for the entire event, which is not a monotonous event, but can create a total social surplus.

2020 SEDA Fresher's Fair

2020-09-17 18:00:00.0 - 2020-09-21 13:00:00.0 Bilibili:

Batman inherited his father's business and provided him with all possible equipment to fight crime and maintain the tranquility of Gotham City.Coincidentally,Iron Man also inherited his father's huge arms enterprise, and his huge corporate income laid the foundation and possibility for him to defend the earth in the future.If you want to protect the earth, mankind, and even yourself, hurry up and start a business!But you might also say that this is just an untrue science fiction story, but isn't life right?You may be obsessed with Korean boy groups, they are all rich and handsome. But have you ever thought about the fantasy magic of the agency behind them?You may often watch the NBA, the game is always exciting, but have you ever thought about the huge economic benefits behind the NBA?You may be planning to make a big purchase in the next Double 11, but have you ever thought about the meaning behind Alibaba’s Double 11 event?The development of these countless enterprises has formed a circle of psychedelic barriers in an attempt to keep the common people out forever, and one person monopolizes them.If you are lucky enough to be alive, you may be confused, or you may see through the world,Either people can follow the trend, or they can bravely stand up and fight with reality, regardless of winning or losing.We all know that starting a business is difficult, bears the burden, and advances slowly.However, entrepreneurship itself provides unlimited possibilities for its own future, and provides itself with different experiences and memories from ordinary people.It brings more freedom and choice to myself, whether it is work or life.Join SEDA, let us open the door of entrepreneurship for you, see the essence of the enterprise, and welcome the second life.In SEDA, you will no longer be Nobody, you can be Anybody!The creative service business manager who contacts with successful people! ?The administrative director responsible for organizing budget preparation! ?The senior executives of the planning team who made suggestions for the event! ?Or maybe it is a publicity operation talent who is busy shooting advertisements for the latest products! ?We cannot decide what kind of person you ultimately become, but we can provide you with a variety of choices in the youth experiment class.Join SEDA, explore yourself, understand yourself, and achieve yourself!Join SEDA, create life, experience life, and create life!Join SEDA, dream hard, chase your dreams bravely, and realize your dreams!Join SEDA, use the past, invest in the present, and harvest the future!Join SEDA and love you 3000 times!Bilibili Live broadcast: up to join the QR code:QQ Advisory Group:WeChat Advisory Group:

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