Young Success Partner Association is a career development organization under Career Center. YSPA aims to connect XJTLU and workplace, help students develop employment competitiveness and eventually grow into career elites. With rich enterprise employer resources, the association carries out activities such as CV writing guidance, interview skills guidance, workplace experience sharing, internship program integration and recommendation and on-campus job fair. These valuable experiences provide members with opportunities to talk with workplace elites face to face, as well as the access to the newest internship and industry information.
【Activity introduction】Group face simulation Salon is an offline group face simulation activity hosted by YSPA , which aims to improve students' job interview ability by combining skill sharing and practical training.Through this activity, you will experience a real enterprise recruitment group interview, learn about the working form of headhunting industry, experience the real interview scene personally, and solve your own doubts about the interview and internship. 【Activity process】Interview tips shareIntroduction to headhunting IndustryField group surface simulationComments and guidance on group surface resultsQ&A 【Guest introduction】Rainbow MengSenior HR of MGA Associates——a well-known headhunting company;worked for a fortune 500 companyFuji Xerox- KA Head of government Customer Business Department 【Activity details】Activity Time: October 28, 17:00 -18:00 (This Wednesday afternoon)Activity platform: FB264 265Group orientation: Considering the interview guidance requirements in autumn recruiting season, this activity is only open to senior students ( juniors and above).To ensure the quality of the activity, the quota is limited to 25 people (First coming first served).Please pay close attention to the email and YSPA official account.Registration method :Please add WeChat, and note grade + name. The assistant will pull you into the activity group. * The whole activity is conducted in ChineseLooking forward to your coming!YSPA assistant QR codeEvent organizer: YSPAActivity Guide: Xi 'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Admission and Employment Development Office
9.18 Friday 19:30 The overall introduction of Young Success Partner Association8 members of management will introduce the club's daily activities and five internal department.There will be a Q&A session as well.9.19 Saturday 19:30 Experience sharing on choosing your majorThe former 9.20周日 学术分享9.21 周一 面试经验
当面临专业选择时,你是否因缺乏职业规划而感到苦恼、犹豫迷茫?当看见同龄人大一时就拿到实习,你是否时常苦于没有合适的机遇和资源?当参加商赛和社团层层选拔面试时,你又是否急切地想提高简历和面试水平?不要焦虑,不要心急,YSPA青年合伙人协会,你的一站式职业发展平台!穿上西装,来YSPA开始你的奇妙职业发展之旅吧!9.17(周四)晚 20:00 腾讯会议 在线招新宣讲&激情互动,链接: 会议 ID:823 542 370 点我揭开YSPA神秘面纱关于YSPA,你可能还想问...秋招宣传推文链接 (内含宣传视频) 记得关注YSPA公众号噢!部门介绍品牌发展部YSPA的门面担当,取景拍摄布局,推文剪辑抠图,这是充满想象力和行动力的品发小营地。合作拓展部YSPA的核心部门之一,负责直接与企业进行接洽与合作,为学生争取更多的职业福利。人力资源部既是掌握绩效考核的神秘组织,又是每一次活动的组织和黏合剂。一次优秀的活动不仅需要同学的参与,更加需要人资的规划。项目运营部将好的想法孵化成型、付诸实践,项目运营部贯穿活动的策划、执行、反馈,为协会注入发展的活力。行政管理部将主持、资料、后勤和财务的一系列事务井井有条地处理,协会的顺利运行需要行政的一群得力管家。入社方式 第一步:扫描下方问卷星二维码,填写个人信息 第二步:完成报名问卷的同学请扫码加入此QQ群,并等待邮件通知。重磅福利!!!错过了招新宣讲直播?不要紧!精彩的还在后面!YSPA特地为西浦小萌新们带来了“新生系列活动”,只需扫描下方QQ/微信二维码进群,即可获得每日活动最新链接和新生专享福利大礼包!活动安排:9.19(周六)学术分享--“学习,我是认真的”9.20(周日)面试分享--“如何在无领导小组讨论中脱颖而出?”9.21(周一)专业分享--“选专业,你准备好了吗?”
Xi'an Jiaotong–Liverpool University, 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 215123