Field hockey is a team sport of the hockey family. The earliest origins of the sport date back to the middle Ages in England, Scotland, France and the Netherlands. The game can be played on a grass field or a turf field as well as an indoor board surface. Each team plays with eleven players, including the goalie. Players use sticks made out of wood, carbon fiber, fiber glass or a combination of carbon fiber and fiberglass in different quantities (with the higher carbon fiber stick being more expensive and less likely to break) to hit a round, hard, plastic ball. Only one end of the stick is allowed to be used. Today, the game is played globally, with particular popularity throughout Western Europe and many other places. Our club is founded by teachers and students who are enthusiastic about this amazing sport, via which the members of our club have gained friendship, robust body and memorable teamwork experience. We aim to enable every participant to grasp the essence of corporation and competition through routine trainings and games with each other. We sincerely welcome everyone that is either good at it or curious about it. 

Founded in2015-04-13
Club Constitution & Bylaws
Management Team
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Latest Events

Hockey Club election

2024-03-06 14:00:00.0 - 2024-03-06 15:00:00.0 IBSS

Campaigners make self introductions and other vote for them to pick out next year’s management team.

XJTLU Hockey Club Practice Game

2023-09-21 17:30:00.0 - 2023-09-21 19:00:00.0 南校区操场

Gain basic hockey skills after warmup, and separated into 2 teams for practice game.

Hockey Club weekly practice

2023-03-29 19:30:00.0 - 2023-03-29 21:30:00.0 南校操场

As a sports association, the Hockey Club provides not only a weekly training opportunity, but also an equal communication platform for members to experience the charm of hockey.

Hockey Club weekly practice

2023-03-22 19:30:00.0 - 2023-03-22 21:30:00.0 南校操场

As a sports association, the Hockey Club provides not only a weekly training opportunity, but also an equal communication platform for members to experience the charm of hockey.

Hockey Club weekly practice

2023-03-15 19:30:00.0 - 2023-03-15 21:30:00.0 南校操场

As a sports association, the Hockey Club provides not only a weekly training opportunity, but also an equal communication platform for members to experience the charm of hockey.

Hockey Club weekly practice

2023-03-08 19:00:00.0 - 2023-03-08 21:00:00.0 南校操场

As a sports association, the Hockey Club provides not only a weekly training opportunity, but also an equal communication platform for members to experience the charm of hockey.

Past Events