ILCA First Meeting
Foster a sense of community among club members. Informing about two upcoming events, encouraging active participation for enhanced club engagement and collaboration.
2023-10-23 16:00 - 2023-10-23 19:00
Event Mode: Signing up Only

Event Content

The purpose of this meeting is twofold:

Community Building: To create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere within our club by facilitating connections among members. This will enhance the overall club experience and increase engagement.

Event Promotion and Involvement: To ensure that all members are well-informed about the upcoming events and have a clear understanding of how they can contribute to the success of these events.


1. Introduction

  • Welcome and opening remarks.
  • Briefly introduce yourself and any co-organizers.

2. Overview of Club

  • Provide an overview of the club's purpose, goals, and mission.
  • Mention any recent accomplishments or upcoming plans.

3. Upcoming Events

  • Discuss the details of the second important event, including the date, location, and objectives.
  • Explain how members can get involved and contribute.

4. Q&A and Discussion

  • Questions and discussion regarding the upcoming events or any other club-related topics.


List of applicants(25) No Limit

Suqi Xu
Wenzhe Jia
Caiyi Yang
Yanchen Ma
Zhicheng Xie
Zimu Zhang
Marvince Gonzales Penalosa
Xiangwen Wu
Yue Wang
Enrique Jun Quan Liaw
Pengwei Shi
Yu-Hui Huang
Muhammad Alif Diankusuma
Ace Rizal Erwin-Billones
Sabryna Chu Yuin Cheng
Zhenhao Wang
Jiming Liu
Cruz Khalil Vincenzio Shirley
Enxin Lai
Zhiyi Liu
Patricia Tandi
Chaeyoung Park
Ang Jelly
Hannah Louisa Peru
Nicole Stacia Ruslan


SIP Campus
Functional Organizations

W e   a r e   a   g l o b a l   f a m i l i y !ILCA in XJTLU (International Business Language Culture Association)ILCA in XJTLU has been found in 2016.It is the first and the largest association established by both international students and Chinese students.We aim to be the bridge between local students and international students,as well as exposing students to practical business management strategies in a global context.ILCA has clear structure, and every department plays important role in each responsibility.We have 7 departments in total: General Management CouncilLanguage DepartmentHuman Resource Depart.                Finance Depart.Culture Department   Diplomacy Depart.                           Marketing Depart.International Support Center (ISC)【IDENTITY】We are the headquater of and a 'business branch' of ILCA CHINA through ILCA GLOBALILCA CHINAVision: To be a bridge of the world with love, understanding and respect for sustainable globalizationMission: our mission is to enrich sustainable globalization, practicing love for one another                 and to spread its message for further generations and our neighbours, via education and campaining.                We believe in a latent altruism in mankind and one day anticipate a global family, with understanding and respect for one another

Founded in2016-12-10
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