Weekly Routine Activity (Single)
fencingclub weekly competition
A competition lead by the management of the fencing club
2024-09-15 13:00 - 2024-09-15 15:00
GM 205
Event Mode: Registration and Signing up
Activity main organizer(PPL): Zixuan Yang
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Peilin Shi
Enroll Limit: 30
2024-09-13 15:10 - 2024-09-15 17:10

Event Content

At the beginning of the event, the management led the preparatory activities, and then the competition was divided into fencing lanes according to different types of fencing by drawing lots.

List of applicants(0) Participant Number Limit:30

XJTLU Fencing Club

SIP Campus
Sports Clubs

XJTLU Fencing Club is a sport club aiming to promote the fencing clture and the spirit of chivalry which alomst fade away, providing a diversified platform where fencing amateurs can enjoy themselves.

Founded in2017-10-11
FounderLin Wang, Siyuan Chen