AWC Volunteer activities of Adoption
Students go to the scene as volunteers to help, the main work contents are adoption recommendation, on-site maintenance, exhibition expansion activities, entry, withdrawal
2024-04-14 10:00 - 2024-04-14 18:00
Event Mode: Registration and Signing up
Activity main organizer(PPL): Shuang Wu,Yixiao Lu
Enroll Limit: 15
2024-04-08 16:55 - 2024-04-14 18:00

Event Content

Daily process:

Morning: Prepare supplies, arrange cats and dogs in each area, introduce adoption, review and handle adoption procedures.

Noon: Break

Afternoon: Adoption recommendation, adoption review and procedures, activities in the hot field.


The whole process is carried out in the exhibition hall of and we don't go out.In the middle of the journey, you can go out to rest for a period of time according to your own needs, but you should report it to the leader.

List of applicants(12) Participant Number Limit:15

Yixiao Lu
Yuze Cheng
Nuo Xu
Ying Li
Yahan Guo
Yanwen Yang
Qiye Zheng
Jiayi Zhang
Lingjin Fang
Shuang Wu
Yijia Ma
Yiyang Zhang

Animal Welfare Club

SIP Campus
Community Service Clubs

Our Mission: To improve the quality of life of stray animals in Suzhou   Secondary Goals: Prevention: Preventing the occurrence of “short term pets” that are left behind when students leaveEducation: Educating students on what to do when they encounter stray animalsLong term care: Making sure stray animals are cared for in the long term.Our Story:The Animal Welfare Club started its life as a Wechat group named "Puppy Kitten" in 2015. After rescuing three puppies from the cold outside her classroom and finding them good homes, IBSS Professor Ellen Touchstone and other professors and students noticed that a lot more could be done to help the stray dogs and cats around the university. Life for these animals is very difficult, especially in extreme weather or times when food is short, and the Puppy Kitten team helped take care of cold and sick animals and feed the hungry. We aim to continue their amazing work and go beyond to help animals all over Suzhou.

Founded in2017-06-01