Pre match draw for an eight person competition
Before the start of the eight player competition, gather all captains, issue relevant activity requirements, sign safety agreements, inform them of the relevant competition rules,
2024-10-25 18:00 - 2024-10-25 20:00
Event Mode: Signing up Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Xuanqi Lu
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Xuanqi Lu

Event Content

Before the start of the eight player competition, gather all captains, issue relevant activity requirements, sign safety agreements, inform them of the relevant competition rules, and understand their respective teams' groups.

List of applicants(0) No Limit

Football Club

SIP Campus
Sports Clubs

XJTLU Football Club was born in 2007,which is aimed to unite the students in XJTLU who have passion for football, serve all the ardent football devotees, distribute the joy and international football spirit to every XJTLU students. The XJTLU Football Club has developed from the first core eighteen members to nowadays 312 members, and this trend is bound to continue. 

Founded in2007-09-01