Hello everyone! Our Chinese debate competition is coming to an end, and the next is the most anticipated finals of this competition. This will be a great opportunity to challenge wisdom and show eloquence, and it will also be a feast of sparks of thought. For this final, we will open the viewing channel, and welcome all debate enthusiasts to participate in this audio-visual feast on site. Just register for this event on the se website.
Final debate topic: Admitting your ordinariness is the starting point/end point of life
Time: 19:00, December 6, 2024
Location: SB152, North Campus, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
The XJTLU Chinese Debate Club, a leading academic A-level club, holds titles like "Annual Best Club" and "Best Progressive Club." It boosts debate interest, with management and debate teams. The former arranges events, while the latter offers training, competitions, and university interactions.