KGF名称的含义有两层,其一是Keep going forward,其二是King of the game field,二者和而为一便是勇往直前,成为游戏界先锋的含义。而KGF电竞社作为西浦最大且最多元的社团之一,由不断更替的上百名成员以及数届管理层共同经营至今,正大步向美好的愿景迈进。我们能为选手提供各种线下线上参赛的机会,为社员提供贴心福利,为所有热爱电子竞技的电竞人提供舒适的观赛场所,而我们的活动内容更是囊括了几乎所有的主流游戏,近期更是新建了主机游戏部来为主机玩家提供更好的交流平台。所以无论是PC、移动端还是主机玩家都能在这里找到一片属于自己的空间。
The E-sports Club was found in 2009 and the aim of the club is to provide a platform for students to communicate and make friends. The E-sports Club tries to build a bridge between the Internet and real life which can ensure the students can have a nice experience in university.