31°N Geography Club Renewal Conference
At the beginning of the spring semester, Geography Society also welcomed a general election. This club will determine the new management list.
2024-03-09 10:00 - 2024-03-09 13:15
Event Mode: Signing up Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Xing Li
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Ruohan Jiang,Xiaomin Sun,Peichen Tang,Jiarui Shen,Huaijin Ran,Luyan Zhong

Event Content

With the arrival of the spring semester, various clubs of XJTLU have started their election process. Geography Society has also started arranging related affairs and conducting general elections. The election will be held on March 6th from 19:00 to 20:30 at FB G16. The entire election is open, with candidates competing for eight management positions. Each person will be given five minutes to give a campaign speech, and voting will begin after all speeches. The person with the highest number of votes will be awarded a management position.

List of applicants(0) No Limit

31°N Geography Club

SIP Campus
Academic Clubs

Rooted in XJTLU, we aim to serve all the geographic fans.We plan to provide a platform for XJTLU geographic enthusiasts to communicate, learn and practice. At the same time, we intend to popularize geographic expertise and interesting knowledge to the whole school so as to enhance the influence of Geography in teachers and students, nurture the learning atmosphere of geography, cultivate the geographic discipline literacy of teachers and students and encourage everyone to apply geography to interdisciplinary learning. 

Founded in2018-03-14