Language Partner Union is a functional organization to promote contact and communication between Chinese and foreign students. It is the largest and oldest platform for cultural communicating between Chinese and foreign students in XJTLU. It is also one of the top ten student organizations in XJTLU. The purpose of Language Partner Union is to help international students understand Chinese culture and integrate into Chinese environment through pair-to-pair LPU, and also to help Chinese students practice their English and interpersonal skills. With the support of the Language Center of XJTLU, Lan guage Partner Union hopes to build a platform for communication between students who have different culture background. 

Founded in2011-10-18
Council Director葛建平
Club Constitution & Bylaws
Management Team
AY 2024~2025 AY 2023~2024 AY 2022~2023 AY 2021~2022 More…
Latest Events

"520"You are not alone

2021-05-20 10:30:00.0 - 2021-05-20 18:30:00.0 北校区西浦小白亭

在五月二十日这个时间下,更多同学在这一天与自己的伴侣多一份美好的经历。为有情侣的一方提供一个增进情感的平台并为他们记录下这一美好的日子,同时给缺少同伴的同学提供一个寻找同伴的平台(不仅限于伴侣,亦包括学习生活上的同伴)。On May 20th, more students will have a wonderful experience with their partners on this day. Provide a platform for those who are in love to enhance their feelings and record this wonderful day for them. At the same time, provide a platform for those who lack companions to find companions (not only for partners, but also for study and life).

LPU--Chinese classroom

2020-10-28 18:30:00.0 - 2020-10-28 20:30:00.0 FB351

To teach international friends make dumpling in LPU interesting Chinese classroom!

2020 Refresher's Fair--Language Partner Union

2020-09-17 18:00:00.0 - 2020-09-20 23:59:00.0 (线上)B站直播链接: 9.17 第一场18:05--19:00 第二场19:05-20:00 第三场20:15-21:10

LPU is one of the ten major organizations in XJTLU, which is a commitment to help International students study and develop in China through one-to-one matching language partners, helping XJTLUer make international friends, exchanging cultures of different countries and improving the level of students’ language. We help international students better integrate into China's environment ,understand Chinese culture and help them make friends in China. Everyone who joins LPU will have their own language partner. LPU does not only mean that you and your language partner but you can be good friends as well.You can learn more about our club through the link below

Chinese Childhood

2017-11-08 15:00:00.0 - 2017-11-08 17:30:00.0 Sunken Plaza

Chinese Childhood aims at helping international students know better ahout Chinese childhood culture, and we offer some traditional games in Chinese childhood. Everyone can participate in games and win some little gifts. It is a great chance for international students to experience Chinese childhood.

Past Events