Scientific research embarkation - SURF Project in-depth analysis and experience exchange seminar
We decide to hold a conference about our SURF activity in order to guide students interested in this activity.
2024-05-08 19:00 - 2024-05-08 21:00
Event Mode: Registration Only
Activity main organizer(PPL): Ziyu Zhao
Activity co-organizer(PPL): Yang Liu,Zhuoru Zhang
Enroll Limit: No Limit
2024-05-06 15:25 - 2024-05-08 19:00

Event Content

For most students in the school, SURF is one of the rare ways to participate in scientific research activities. Many students can experience the fun of scientific research by participating in SURF activities, and learn front-line scientific research knowledge while harvesting scientific research results. We clarified the research direction for the students, clarified the knowledge basis required for each project, and pointed out the direction for the students.


List of applicants(1) No Limit

Yiyang Chen

Science Innovation Association

SIP Campus
Functional Organizations

Science and innovation association was established in 2009 by students who are passionate about science, technology and innovation. It is one of the earliest and the largest Functional club for science in XJTLU. It is responsible for the organization and management of extracurricular scientific and technological activities for students, mainly focusing on scientific research and popularization of science.SIA consists of six departments: Creative Department, Outreach Department, Media Department, General Management Department, Research Department and Research Center, and MCU Event Group, VEX Event Group, 3D Printing Event Group and WeChat app Event Group. Some of the exciting events held were Chamber Escape, Gamer's Night, Maker's Marathon, Knowledge Sharing Officer, and Workshops from many technology companies. We are looking for you that are also passionate about innovation to join us.

Founded in2009-09-01
FounderShuaike Guo