In recent years, with the gradual expansion of the animation market, the development plans of animation industry in various regions are in full swing, and they have built their own "Animation capital". Beijing began to focus on building a world-class animation industry center;Shanghai, Guangzhou and Fuzhou have initially formed an industrial chain of online games, animations, mobile games, PC games and games-related, all of which have directly led to the rise of the domestic animation market. In sharp contrast to the situation a few years ago when more than 85% of China's animation market was foreign animation, the number of domestic animation has now accounted
for half of the domestic animation market.
In order to promote two dimension culture, to make friends with people who love Animation culture and to still have a cartoon company in college,XJTLU Animation club was established. There will be cartoon shows in every week, group comic cons, games friends, offline parties, festival features, autumn and sakura ceremonies, and so on. We understand you ~ XJTLU Animation club sincerely invites everyone who loves animation to join us!