Interview for New Members of Geographic Club
This meeting event is an interview organized by the management of the Geography Club for new students. The management will allocate appropriate departments to new students.
2023-09-17 13:00 - 2023-09-17 17:15
Event Mode: Signing up Only

Event Content

The management of the Geographic Club will conduct interviews with newly added members, and the six ministers will ask some simple questions to the new students and judge their suitable departments based on their answers. After the interview, the new members will be assigned to the appropriate departments. The president and vice president will also be present to communicate with new members, listening to their wishes and suggestions. The purpose of this activity is to allocate departments to new students who have joined the club, so that the club activities can run smoothly this academic year.

List of applicants(40) No Limit

Shuqin Shen
Xing Li
Xitong Yang
Xiaomin Sun
Peichen Tang
Luyan Zhong
Jiarui Shen
Huaijin Ran
Ruohan Jiang
Sixian Liu
Jingrui Xu
Zihan Wei
Qinyue Gu
Meichen Ding
Kaiyi Xu
Li Dong
Xinyu Wang
Cunyuan Li
Jintao Lyu
Yuke Ou
Yuang Liu
Shenhao Xue
Shuya Yang
Chengke Zhang
Tianen Zhou
Lufei Liu
Zuiang Yu
Zhengyang Yin
Guo Li
Zhou Fang
Xuesheng Liu
Linqing Xu
Tianyi Weng
Jinghan Tan
Yinong Zheng
Monong Yang
Ziyan Zhou
Yue Zhang
Shuqin Shen

31°N Geography Club

SIP Campus
Academic Clubs

Rooted in XJTLU, we aim to serve all the geographic fans.We plan to provide a platform for XJTLU geographic enthusiasts to communicate, learn and practice. At the same time, we intend to popularize geographic expertise and interesting knowledge to the whole school so as to enhance the influence of Geography in teachers and students, nurture the learning atmosphere of geography, cultivate the geographic discipline literacy of teachers and students and encourage everyone to apply geography to interdisciplinary learning. 

Founded in2018-03-14