Event Name:
Potato muffin making activity
Activity process:
1. Preparation
• Prepare ingredients and tools
• Confirm the list of participants
2. Day of the event
• Brief introduction of the activity process
• Distribute ingredients and tools
• Demo production
• Demonstrate the making process of rice potato muffins
• Group production
• Members work in groups and start making muffins
• Results display
• Each group presents their own work
• Taste and share feedback
• Clean-up and closure
• Clean up the site
• End of event
• Ensure the safety of ingredients and tools
• Pay attention to personal hygiene
Xinyu Gourmet club aims to lead the love members to explore the mysteries of the world cuisine of food culture. Our regular activities is simple food production on Wednesday, and co-host activities are Food Festival, Association Culture festival, and Girl Day, etc.Xinyu Gourmet Club is proud of attract all versionTo lead all version for accountabilityTo make tempting food as a bridge In Xinyu Gourmet club's familyFind and meet ~ ~ together ~ food friendsClub QR code